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About   奈奈 カンタリーナ / Nana Cantarina

Vocalist / Comporser / Cuban Style Salsa Dance Instructor

出 身 (Home Town): 大阪 Latin City of OSAKA

誕生日 (Birth day):25 JUNE

血液型 (Blood type): O

【 音 楽 活 動 】


として活動後、20歳からボーカリストとしての活動を始める。ポップスグループでの活動を経て、サルサバンド「Sabrosura Del Sonido」へ加入。ベーシスト・山田能史氏率いるサルサバンドに加入。いよいよラテン音楽への興味が深まる。

数々のラテン・サルサのグループに所属し、関西のライブハウスやクラブ・ホテル等での演奏活動をスタート。1998年Latin Rhythm・Improvisation、Cuban Style Salsa Dance の勉強の為、LA, CUBA へ渡り、元 "Irakere" の Oscar Vardes氏に師事。後、定期的に渡玖している。

開催中に行われた「El Son mas largo del mundo」(世界一長いソン)という、

近年は全国の小・中・高等学校等でのラテン音楽観賞会公演、そしてフジ・ロック・ フェスティバルへの出演、世界一周クルーズ船にキューバの水先案内人としてゲスト乗船など、活動は多岐にわたる。

人気急上昇中の地中海系エクササイズプログラム「BAILA BAILA」ではスペイン語楽曲の制作と歌唱を担当。2015年クリスマスに、ベスト盤「BAILABAILA BEST SPANISH SONG by NANA Cantarina 」がリリースされる。

2012年自ら率いる中南米音楽MIXプロジェクト [7sonora] が、 GEMA y PAVELでお馴染みの Pavel Urkiza氏をプロデューサーに迎え、スペイン・カナリア諸島にあるランサローテ島にてレコーディングを行う。そして1stアルバムとなる「Canto a la tierra~大地の讃歌~」をリリース。2015年9月には、2枚目となるアルバム「Antitesis」を発表。

2016年9月には、オルケスタ・デ・ラ・ルスのピアニスト、斎藤タカヤ氏とのラテンデュオがカバーアルバム「DOS LATIDOS」を発表。

2018年には、7sonoraの3rd アルバム「アラカルト」を発表、女性ラテンコーラスグループ「ラス・ペルラス」のミニアルバム「Tres Voces」では楽曲のアレンジを担当するなど、制作活動に力を注いでいる。


RUMBA グループ "Clave y Guaguanco" Caridad氏、"Yoruba Andabo" "CUBA国立民族舞踊楽団" Sergio氏に師事2001年キューバ帰国後よりミュージシャンが教える CUBAN SALSA DANCEのインストラクターとして、大阪・イスラボニータにてレッスンをスタート。現在は関東を中心に、レッスンを展開。ショーダンスとは一味違った、誰でも簡単に楽しめる、キューバのストリートダンスを伝授。歌いながらキューバンダンスで魅せるステージパフォーマンスが好評。

NANA was born in Osaka, a Latin city of Japan where people are funky and hot.She learned piano since she was small. She performed the piano in a student concert every year. Among many other students, she demonstrated an outstanding talent.
In an elementary school, she got absorbed in playing basketball,
and as a result she stopped playing the piano. When she was in a sixth grade of elementary school, she formed a band to play Japanese pop music with older friends and she played a keyboard. Later she switched to a guitar. Since after that she continued to play music with a number of bands and the genre of music varied from rock, funk, soul, R & B, and pop.

NANA made her first recording as a guitarist of brass funk rock band "FRIED EGG JAM" and released the first compilation album [Brass Night Masters] V.A (FUNK/ROCK/ACID)/1996/Song Bird Label. The following year, FRIED EGG JAM released a full album named [FRIED EGG JAM] (FUNK/ROCK)/1997/Tokuma Japan.

The band performed in[MUTINY](P-Funk All Stars)JAPAN TOUR in OSAKA FRONT ACT,[CHUCK BROWN] JAPAN TOUR in OSAKA.FRONT ACT,[Adriana Evans] JAPAN TOUR in Osaka, Tokyo, Yokohama FRONT ACT But FRIED EGG JAM was disbanded in 1998. (In 2008, FRIED EGG JAM reunioned with a few of the original members.)

NANA started to sing Latin music after being recommended by a friend. She was not so serious about it in the beginning. Then she went to Cuba to study music and met Oscar Valdes, a famous former percussionist of Irakere, and he taught her a soul of Cuban music.
Cuban music struck NANA as something very familiar, something that she had left in the past. Nana's interest in Cuban music got stronger.

In 1997, NANA joined timba band "Sabrosura Del Sonido" and also started to sing in a band led by a well-known bassist in Osaka -the Yoshio Yamada Band.
Between 1998 and 2005, NANA went to Cuba every year, studying dance and improvisation,taking lessons from Oscar Valdés of former Irakere, Caridad of "Clave y Guaguanco" and Sergio of "Yoruba Andabo".

In Japan she has performed with a number of Cuban artists. She was also formally invited by the Ministry of Culture to participate in the international music festival, which is the biggest music event in Cuba in 2004 and 2005.

Recently, she is also active in spreading the joy of Latin music to wider audience in Japan. She has been performing Latin music at elementary, middle and high schools. She also participated in annual Fuji Rock Festival which is the biggest outdoor rock music festival in Japan.

She started her solo performance in 2007. In September of 2007, she boarded on a Peace Boat, which is a Japan-based NGO-run chartered passenger ship that travels around the world, as a guide to Cuban culture.

Nana continues to perform as a vocalist in lives, recording and radio commercials of various music genres. Recently, she is also focusing on composing and writing lyrics.


::::: NANA has performed with the following groups  主な活動グループ​​
7sonora / Dos Latidos / Grupo ACHE / Cuban Elements / LATIN ESTRELLA

::::: Performances 過去の共演者​​
[Adriana Evans] JAPAN TOUR in Osaka,Tokyo,Yokohama FRONT ACT
Live@Fuji Rock Festival'03 [Sabrosura Del Sonido]
Tour@CUBADISCO.2004 +Son mas largo del mundo
Manolito y su Trabuco / Los Van Van / Bamboleo
Pupy y su Los que Son Son / Adalberto y su Son ...


La Rumbera de Japon

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